Pew Sheet for 14 November


Daniel 12.1-3; Hebrews 10.11-14 [15-18] 19-25; Mark 13.1-8


  • Said Communion Wednesday 10.30 (followed by coffee in the meeting room)
  • Morning Prayer Daily livestream at 9.00 (weekdays)
  • You can join Morning Prayer online at: and via Facebook at: You can attend in person at P&J on Mondays, at St Christopher’s on Tuesdays and at St Peter’s on Thursdays.
  • Daily Hope a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers is still available on 0800 804 8044.

COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS: With the easing of restrictions the wearing of face coverings is no longer mandatory. However, please respect those who wish to continue mask wearing and social distancing. If you test positive for Covid up to three weeks after this service, please let us know by telephone or e-mail.

For Your Prayers

  • For all who work in the NHS, and essential workers
  • For all residents in care homes including Jean Haigh and Gary Hiscock
  • For all who are unwell including, Shirley, Joy, Gordon, Daphne, Christine Langdon
  • Those who have died.


Please pray for peace and protection for the Afghan people who are facing great uncertainty and the threat of serious human rights abuses. Pray also for all who remain, for courage and protection. You can find more resources here:

PARISH DIARY – See also Save the Dates

Sat27 Nov10am-12pmSt Stephen’s Advent Fair (click to see details)
Sun5 DecAfternoonConcert by the Leggiero vocal quartet


The Advent fair is looming large.  We need volunteers to man stalls and people to make cakes for the cake stall. Also we need bric a brac of good quality, as this will be potentially for Christmas presents.  If you are able to help or bake please speak to Jacqui or Sue.

Approach Advent with a new viewpoint this year through Compline: Each Monday in Advent (29th November – 20th December) at 7:30pm in St Stephen’s we will celebrate Compline, and an Advent Reflection will be given by Fr Sebastian. These are inspired by ‘Toy Story’, ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, ‘Wall-E’, and ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’. No need to watch the films in advance, but it may help. The services will be streamed on Facebook too.

Instruments at Christmas Would you like to play an instrument for the Carol Service on the afternoon of 19th December, or do you know someone who would like to do so? Please let Fiona know if so! Thank you.

Electoral Roll In the recent difficult times we have not been able to invite people to have their names added. Do consider putting your name on the list, which shows a real commitment to us. Please see Ann Bacon if you wish to be included.

Memorial benches At the last PCC meeting we discussed the idea of having a memorial bench/benches in our church yard. We would have plaques with the loved ones name on attached to the bench. If you would be interested in donating towards this please let me know (all donations wouĺd be very welcome). Sue.

Flowers Arrangers Wanted volunteers to join the flower arrangers. If interested please see Sue Rowe or one of the churchwardens. If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of Church flowers, please see Jacqui for more information. 

Alpha Please pray for the Alpha Course being run across the Team. The Rev’d Sarah Haden is running the course, but all clergy in the Team are giving input.

Cheltenham Elim Food Bank (seeded by The Trussell Trust)
Please donate an item or two from the list: washing up liquid, instant mash potato, toothpaste, long life fruit juice, shampoo, tomato ketchup, brown sauce, mayonnaise. Please place any donations in the Green box next to the font.

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